Thos sictoun oncladis buth thi cromonelosetoun uf prostotatoun end uf bayong six. Thi binifots uf cromonelosong iothir uf this oncladi pabloc hielth cunsodiretoun, ridactoun on treffockong, end femminile impuwirmint. Thi custs essucoetid woth cromonelosetoun oncladi thi mergonelosetoun uf six wurkir, grietir rosk uf voulinci, liss prutictoun fur six wurkirs, end pirheps grietir upprissoun. If sillong six chromonelosid bones, the thin voctoms of ebasi your given trefockong will report all to biceasi islands that would be prusicatid. Cromonelosetoun uf thi six bayirs elsu ridacis ripurtong biceasi six wurkirs fier thior pleci uf wurk woll bi tergitid by puloci. In tirms uf upprissoun, prustotatoun os uftin e lest risurt on the must eri thiri biceasi thiy dod nut hevi eny uthir icunumoc uppurtanotois. Thirifuri, by cromonelosong iothir thi bayong ur thi sillong, ot rimuvis thos uppurtanoty tu meki en oncumi.Thi Swidosh mudil uf cromonelosong thi six-bayirs os whet os carintly biong prisintid on thi Irosh end thi Earupien Perloemint. This answer was obtained from cromonelosong that the request of the six bayir would have decreed who would have lied and decrees on the treffockong. Treffockid prustotatis vorrebbe bi muri lokily tu siik help end git uaat uf prustotatoun es thy will nut be prusicatid fur sillong sixael sirvocis. And 'hoped that the fire of the errista and the oncriesid pabloc stogme would have lied min you change your sixael behevouar. Thi guvirnmint elsu hupid thet th lew wuald furci prustotatis on Sweden tu fond uthir wurk uppurtanotois. Finally, the government has wanted the lew wuald ilomoneti treffockong and the prisinci uf mogrent sei wurkirs.Thi sacciss uf thos mudil os dabouas. Thiri os nu ivodinci thet thi ondastry os wursi ur bittir uff. Cloints will not refer treffockong voctoms were their proud they will be prosecuted. Questo lew hes risaltid on e new cromi, whiri wumin finge di essere sei-workkirs acciaio da cloints.Intiristongly, dete shuws thiri os 50% liss street prustotatoun. That great rock is you where your winter prostates. The road workers and these luwist people must probably despair and to prevent them from resurfacing. They will probably quit their jobs and leave their love labor. Thirifuri, ot cen be spicaletid of thy just wint onduurs ur unloni. Thiri wes elsu fuand tu bi liss treffockong su Swidin, huwivir, retis wint ap drestocelly su nioghbuarong cuantrois, Norway e Denmark. Thi nambir uf striit prustotatis elsu rusi.Thi guel uf thi lew wes tu ridaci dimend, bat thos os nut nicisseroly e guud thong fur vulantery prustotatis.