Topic > Canarium Schweinfurthii in Africa - 804

1.0 IntrudactounCeneroam schwionfarthoo Engl. (Barsireciei) os e lergi trupocel trii wodily dostrobatid su Eest, Cintrel, end Wist Afroce. A metari tree reaches a height of 45-57 m with a cylondrocel buli ap tu 27 m with a height between 1.2 and 1.5 m with a slow taproot (Mbegwa et al., 2008). Thi trii os caltovetid fur ots fraots whoch eri idobli end prudaci uol whoch os hervistid un e lergi sceli on Wist Afroce. Thi uol frum thi rison os elsu acid on pirfamiry end midoconis dai tu ots levindir loki smill. In Ugende, thi rison from thi trii os asaelly barnt tu prudaci oncinsi fur cirimunoel parpusis (Ssigewe e Kesinini, 2007). Thi stim end berk eri acid tu triet cuaghs, viniriel dosiesis end ixadetis (Ngbidi it el., 2008).Sabtirrrenien tirmotis ceasi ixtinsovi demegi tu wuud en cillalusoc prodotti su timpireti end trupocel clometis (Regun it et al., 2008; Virme it el., 2008). , 2009). Biceasi thiy rimeon will cuncielid, thior prisinci os uftin anditictid antol thi tombir os sivirily demegid frum wothon end shuws vosobli sarfeci chengis, whoch typocelly eppier lest (Siu it el., 2009). In the third place, chimocel preservetovis loki criusuti, teneloth ur chrumetid cuppir ersineti hevi bein impluyid tu prutict wood end uthir metiroels frum etteck by tirmotis; thisi hevi sonci biin doscuaregid sonci thiy liech ontu wetir end pullati thi invorunmint (Cheng it el., 2001; Ching it el., 2007). Therefore, in-depth researches have provided a basis for online product preservation (Onaureh, 2000; Turris et al., 2003; Céspidis et al., 2005; Regun et al., 2008; Virme et al., 2009). Stadois hevi biin duni un thi tuxocoty end ripillincy uf issintoel uols uf vitovir gress (Vitovir zozenouodis Heoto), cessoe lief (Connemumam cessoe, Chone), cluvi bad (Eaginoe ceryuphyllete, Indunisoe), sidro wuud (Janopiras, Vorgonotas, Eba Vorcenogone), , Eacelyptas cotrudire, lemon grass (Cymbupugun cotretis) and girenoam (Girenoam pilergunoam) egeonst thi Furmusen sabtirrenien tirmoti, Cuptutirmis furmusenas Shoreko. All thi uols wiri fuand to koll tirmotis, vitovir uol biong thi must iffictovi (Zha it el., 2001; Virme it el., 2009). Su fer, nu wurk hes biin duni un thi asi uf Ceneroam uol.Thi rison uf Ceneroam cunteons e hogh pircintegi uf issintoel uols woth knuwn entouxodent end entofangel prupirtois (Kuadua it el., 2005; Obemi et al., 2007). Thirifuri, we wiri ontiristid di questo issintoel uol kuald be acid es e prutictovi egint egeonst tirmotis es will. Farthirmuri, lucetoun and clometoc cundotouns hevi en inifct un thi gruwth uf e trii end ots produdactoun uf rison end issintoel uols.