Queen Elizabeth I was one of the most famous monarchs as well as being one of the most successful female sovereigns in history (Rowse 243). During his reign he is said to have maintained a long and everlasting peace. Wikianswers believes that the main conflict he had during his reign was over "aspects of the Catholic religion". Yes, it was necessary to establish a religious settlement in England, but in the beginning her throne was in danger because of her sister and her cousin's intrusion later had greatly impacted and challenged Elizabeth. These are the obstacles that I think he had to fight the most during his reign. But she wasn't always first in line for the royal seat. Elizabeth was the daughter of King Henry and Anne Boleyn (Gauls), born in 1533. King Henry had a previous wife named Catherine of Argon with whom they gave birth to Mary in the year 1516. King Henry obviously wanting a male heir continued to try and eventually had a son in 1537 with Jane Seymour named Edward VI. It was concluded that Edward would inherit the throne, but he died at a young age leaving Mary I of Henry's children as next in line (Gauls). King Henry lived to the age of 55 and died due to poor health. This was the year 1547 and Mary, being the successor, became queen. Maria I “suffered a terrible childhood of abandonment, intolerance and poor health,” Galli says. In her years she went from having a high status, to losing everything due to a change in law, to receiving everything back and reinstated on the throne. Her main goal, once queen, was to re-establish Catholicism and she was very busy. She was called Bloody Mary because of the burning of 300 Protestants, which goes a long way towards explaining why "her reign was unpopular" (Gauls). Thomas Wyatt led a rebellion with many Protestants to dethrone her. Mary was certain that El... middle of paper... went to rest in her bed. He died in March 1603 (Queen Elizabeth I). Queen Elizabeth never had children, so her successor was James VI of Scotland who became James I of England. He was the son of Mary Stuart and was king of Scotland, Ireland and finally England from 1603 at the age of 37 (Wikipedia). He was a talented scholar and “The Golden Age” continued during his reign. During 45 years of British rule, Elizabeth had to battle challenging obstacles such as religious conflict, the rule of Mary Tudor, popular will to overthrow her, and the intrusion of Mary Queen of Scots. . He faced these trials and managed to obtain the title of the greatest monarch of England. This influential female sovereign left inspiration and knowledge for future monarchs and the British government for many years to come. He had also provided his country with stability and a sense of identity (Rowse 245).