In 2005, the American Psychological Association suggested that the correlation between violent video games and aggression is stronger than the correlation with television. Some prominent scholars have questioned this correlation and wondered whether it was actually true. This debate surfaced again after the Virginia Tech Shootings, when Philip McGraw, commonly known as Dr. Phil, and Jack Thompson placed the blame on violent video games. In 2007, the Virginia Tech Review Panel found that Seung-Hui Cho, the killer, did not play video games at all. There are three theories that explain the link between violent exposure to video games and aggression. They are the social learning theory, the catharsis hypothesis, and the mood management theory. Social learning theory suggests that aggression is a behavior learned through a procedure called behavioral modeling. Regarding violent video games, he suggests that an individual exposed to violent video games will develop an “aggression-related cognitive script.” The catharsis hypothesis suggests that aggression is biological and evolutionary ...