Topic > Understanding friendship through the ladder model

Relationships can take different forms, for example between two lovers or between parent and child. There are many times when a relationship goes into decline due to lack of communication. The most fundamental form of relationship is the dyad in which two people engage in the communication of a shared history and personal nature. Ruben and Stewart (2006) argue, “In each dyad, unique language patterns and communication patterns develop that differentiate that relationship from others.” One can easily see the dyadic relationship between friends. It is a type of relationship that can be characterized by sharing information, confidences, mutual assistance, fun, spontaneity and use of slang words that distinguish them from others. For example, while talking to a friend you can use phrases such as “what's happening”, “what's happening” etc. On the other hand, while talking to strangers you may use words like “Hello” or “Hello”. A relationship between friends can also be considered an interpersonal relationship because, as discussed above, both individuals share emotional bonds, loyalty, and mutual understanding. The following paragraphs will discuss the current stage of friendship on the “ladder” model, also discuss some limitations of this model, and finally highlight the effect of mediated communication technologies on friendship. According to Knapp and Vangelisti's "scale" model, the current phase of my relationship with a friend can be considered in an experimental phase. As discussed in class, it is a stage in which a person often engages in “small talk” that might include where we are from and who we know (DiDomenico, 2013). I can say that the relationship I have chosen is at this stage because before the lesson ...... halfway through the paper ......i Synchronous", which means there will be a delay before the same message is transmitted to the recipient because the sender has to type the message (DiDomenico, 2013). This feature of media can be seen in any relationship and is not limited to friendship. Additionally, emoticons used in text messages may not represent actual feelings of another partner, but just to see the other partner happy they could send emoticons. Therefore, through the use of technology it is not possible to predict whether the partner is avoiding real contact or something else relationship is the dyad (person-to-person interaction). However, difficulties can arise when participants do not agree on the stabilization of their relationship. This instability can arise due to timing and technology issues, which allow both partners to start and end relationships in new ways.