Today's life requires speed and is full of hustle and bustle. Enter something rare. Furthermore, people who face a stressful and emotionally tense job that is always tense and full of problems, like this one, will not feel rested even if they just wake up in the morning. Due to the constant tension being unleashed, some people are unable to sleep well and turn to sleeping pills to find a way out. Unfortunately, there are many people who consider rest as something harmful as it is not productive and spend time that would otherwise be used to work. There is a story of a carpenter who was sawing a large tree. He had been busy sawing large trees for hours and it seems he was very tired. There is a passage and an attempt to provide solutions, "why don't you rest and relax while you can sharpen a blade?". The carpenter replied, “I have no time to rest, let alone sharpen the saw blade.” He was ironic, someone who tries to be more productive, but is actually doing things that make him much less productive. So now people actually want to be more productive, they need quality rest. To rest well someone had to lose the rhythm of activities in advance and take the necessary time to rest. Unfortunately, not many people are willing to do this because they don't have the time. Various forms of break Sleep: daily rest. Weekly rest, rest one day a week from daily activities. Recreational activities: transition from work stress and mental tension. Meditation. – it is a daily activity that should be carried out at least once a day.>> Sleep – daily restResearch shows that the optimal duration of sleep is between seven and eight hours a day. This figure refers to a study conducted on those who have lived the longest in the United States. Sufficient sleep is different for each person, depending on someone's age and genetic makeup. If at that moment we wake up......middle of paper......tion. By reading His Word, we can reflect on His will and guidance in our lives. In relation to health, we have often seen or even experienced that prayer really leads to the healing of any disease. The Principle of Rest1. Sleep 7-8 hours a day, try for no less than that.2. Try to sleep early and also wake up early. In the morning the fresh air is not polluted and basks briefly in the sun.3. Don't sleep when your stomach is full of food, so try to eat at least 3 hours before going to sleep.4. Space to sleep as much as possible to have good air circulation, so that you have sufficient oxygen.5 . It should be a balanced and orderly time between when to work, when to rest, when to have recreation and when to pray and meditate.6 . Try to spend quality time with family, building each other up.7. Annual holidays are held from time to time to enjoy God's creation.