Te Whāriki (MoE, 1996), also supports primary caregiving as it states that "children must experience physical and emotional safety with at least one other person within each setting" (p . 22). .My philosophy is based on the Māori belief, “Ko te Tamaiti te Pūtake o te Kaupapa. The child: the crux of the matter” (ERO, 2011). I believe that aroha, honesty, respect, patience and trust are the pillars of any strong relationship. My belief is supported by the RIE approach to the care and education of children (Christie, 2011; Hammond, 2009). My professional practice is based on respectful and responsive relationships between adults and children through effective interpersonal communication (Petrie, 1997; Bolton,1996; Devito, 1997; Miller, 2007; Whalley, 2005; New Zealand Teachers Council, 2004)