Name of the diseaseEbola haemorrhagic fever (Ebola HF)Four identified subtypes of Ebola: (4)· Ebola-Zaire, Ebola-Sudan, Ebola-Ivory Coast (cause of disease in humans humans) Ebola-Reston (cause disease only in non-human primates) Means of transmission Person-to-person transmission Direct contact with blood, secretions, semen, vomiting, diarrhea (1) or organs of infected persons Sexual transmission - “Transmission through semen it can occur up to 7 weeks after clinical recovery, as in the case of Marburg hemorrhagic fever”. (2) Direct contact of the deceased body during burial ceremonies (3) Indirect contact: touching contaminated objects such as needles Aerosol transmission: “Not implicated in human epidemics, although transmission in airborne particles has been documented under conditions of research and spread of Ebola - Reston. (4) Nosocomial transmission (hospital transmission): problem in healthcare settings where sterilization and barrier nursing procedures are not consistently practiced (5) In African healthcare facilities , patients are often cared for without the use of a mask, gown or gloves. (4)“When needles or syringes are used, these may not be disposable, or may not have been sterilised, but only rinsed before use. be reinserted into multi-use vials of the medicine. needles or syringes are contaminated by the virus and are then reused, numerous people can be infected”. has been documented through handling infected chimpanzees, gorillas, and forest antelopes – both alive and dead – as has been documented in Côte d'Ivoire, Republic of the Congo, and Gabon. The transmission of Ebola Reston str...... middle of paper......, accessed 5/12/05.Anon. “Ebola Hemorrhagic Fever: CDC Special Pathogens Branch.” Updated November 18, 2005. URL:, accessed 5/12/05.Anon. “Web poster project on virology: Ebola”. Fall 2004. URL:, accessed 12/5/05.Anon. “Medline Plus Medical Encyclopedia: Ebola Hemorrhagic Fever.” Updated February 2, 2004. URL:, accessed 12/5/05.Waterman, Tara. “Tara's Ebola Site: Honors Thesis: Stanford University.” Updated March 1, 1999. URL:, accessed 9/12/05.Anon. “Ebola Research Paper: The Ebola Virus.” URL:, accessible at 12/9/05.