The two most common modes of transmission from mother to child are childbirth and breastfeeding. The baby has a 15-30% risk of contracting HIV during birth and a higher risk of 90% during breastfeeding. There are several ways to try to prevent mother-to-child transmission and HIV prevention in girls and women. Globally, there are counseling and testing services that are provided to pregnant women along with the provision of family planning services to reduce pregnancy in infected mothers. Preventive antiretroviral drug therapies are available with appropriate follow-up care and treatment for mother and baby and, if necessary, nutritional counseling and breast milk substitutes. Boehringer-Ingelheim is a pharmaceutical manufacturer of nevirapine and has provided this drug free of charge to aid in the prevention of mother-to-child transmission. Third world countries have run out of funds to provide the most effective drug therapy, HAART. Due to excessive use of this drug, nevirapine, mothers are becoming resistant to it, so WHO is currently promoting the use of cotrimoxizole prophylaxis to all HIV-infected children and mothers. (Lamptey, Johnson, & Khan, 2006, p.