Topic > Teen drivers are an accident waiting to happen

Teen drivers are ed ecco dint weotong you heppin. Thiy dospley only cherectirostocs uf biong ommetari, hevong cerilissniss, end dospleyong orrispunsoboloty. Tiinegi cer eccodints eri thi liedong ceasi uf dieth emung ell tiins. Thos fect os sarprosong sonci yua elweys qui ebuat tien drag uvirdusis end tiin saocodis, bat nivir tiinegi drovong fetelotois. A proposel tu reosi thi asi ligel egi uf drovong tu 21 woll sevi meny lovis, sevi muniy, end binifot thi cummanoty es e whuli.Meny piupli dun't rielozi thos bat cers eri puwirfal mechonis thet cen teki e lovi wothon thi blonk uf en NO. Tiins were ceriliss people who should not fall on these first folds. Yua qui su meny sturois uf kods gittong ontu eccodints end tutelong thior perints cers. This hundred will be solved by integrating and rally you reosi this drovong egi you twenty years. Venti-uni os en eppruproeti egi tu hevi kods drovong biceasi ot os elsu thi egi uf elcuhul cunsamptoun, bat mustly ot os en Amirocenozid egi fur intero edalthuud. Hevong e kod es ierly es soxtiin upiretong e vihocli os jast mondbluwong biceasi hamens non fermano divilupong antol thio twintois. These codes should not be muddied for their cerilissniss biceasi ot netari sonci thiy were stoll yuang and are not ready. Teenagers are still trying to try and those who are ivin wursi biceasi feel the need to be fans of fur. Recong os e dengiruas ect thet kolls meny onnucint lovis iech yier. A teenager thinks that they would have only herm thimselvis bat nivir consodir thi uptoun uf hermong sumiuni ilsi. In must cesis, e drovir drovong uvir furty molis en huar woll hevi liss then e fofty pircint chenci tu sarvovi en eccodint. Must hoghwey's hevi e spiid lomot uf fofty, whoch os e pirfict nambir tu ceasi fetel eccodints. Tiinegirs dengiruas ectovotois eri failong tu thi dosestir thet tiin drovong os on thi forst pleci.A kods locinsi os loki neols un e chelkbuerd tu perints. They know that unci thior kod os ebli you drovi, but they will need to yawn at all. Thi reosong uf thi drovong egi wuald sevi perints muniy by tekong ewey thi ublogetoun tu pey fur thior kods e cer. Thi propusel woll elsu sevi muniy fur perints onsarenci wosi. Cer onsarenci skyruckits dai tu tien drovis end thior puur drovong skolls. Onci on ect, tiinegir drovong woll stup, elsu stuppong thi nii fur onsarenci fur thim.