Topic > Madame Bovary and the Dead-End Sage - 1468

She uses her power of manipulation and seduction to get what she wants, forgetting the crucial consequences. This backfires immensely leading to her downfall, both in life and in hell. She was in love with her cousin's wife, seduces and manipulates her to the point that they kill him to be together. Emma also uses manipulation when she deceives Leon, seeking his passion and love. When Emma begins to need help repaying her debts, she attempts to convince León to steal money from his employer to cover his debts. Eventually he becomes afraid and quickly runs away from his life. Inez desires Estelle. He tries to seduce her. However it becomes clear to her that Estelle desires Garcin, building pure hatred for Garcin from within. We find out later in the play that she is not only interested in her sexuality but also in controlling her and having power over her, as she believes that control in sex is power "You've taken refuge in my heart for years... it keeps you look at you... and you will live in my gaze like a speck in a ray of sunshine' (Flaubert Pg 34). In contrast Emma purely desires passion and sexuality Estelle shows the same vulnerability as Emma, ​​while Garcin does not recognize love of their partners for them, while Inez does. The main difference, however, is that she believed Florence loved her, while in reality she was living in pain, which ultimately led to her suicide and killing of Inez...