Since nature cannot be changed, nurture can be changed. Culture is the only effective tool that humans can manipulate. Education is also capable of creating problems that nature has never achieved, it is capable of greatly influencing the way in which the individual will behave under changing conditions. On the other hand nature varies very little in the genome at a time. In the book Nature Via Nurture by Matt Ridley, a famous British science journalist, Ridley states that although nature plays a role, nurture plays a huge role in determining an individual's actions. On the website “”, the website of the State of Pennsylvania, the psychology department stated that many of the serial killers are known to have had violent histories with their parents and a difficult childhood. With these numerous sources, it was clear to conclude that education is one of the most important factors in the making of a serial killer. Therefore, education is the main influence and the main factor when it comes to shaping a possible serial killer, if raised in the best conditions, every possible serial killer will never be able to become a serial