A selective annotated bibliography on convergence and divergenceTheodore Levitt (1983). “The globalization of markets”. Harvard business review pag. 92-102The author claims in this magazine that he understands the two vectors that shape the world: technology and globalization. The former helps determine human preferences, the latter economic realities. Global companies systematically push these vectors towards their own convergence, offering everyone at the same time high-quality, more or less standardized products at low prices. Technology is a powerful force that has driven the world towards convergent commonality. Almost everyone, everywhere, wants all the things they have heard about, seen or experienced through new technologies. Cultural differences are becoming increasingly homogenized. The result is a new commercial reality: the emergence of global markets for standardized consumer products on a scale of magnitude previously unimaginable. Organizations need to move from being multinational to global corporations. Organizations that do not adapt to new global realities will become victims of those that do. Only global companies will achieve long-term success by focusing on what everyone wants rather than worrying about the details of what everyone thinks they might like. Douglas Susan P, Wind Yoram (1987). “The myth of globalization”. Columbia Journal of World Business; Winter87, vol. 22 Issue 4, p19 The purpose of this journal article is to critically examine the concept that success in international markets requires the adoption of a global product and branding strategy. The author argues that differences in competition from one country to another prevent global standardization. The key to success in... half of the article... outside of this article examined and summarized theoretical claims about the correlation between culture and consumer behavior and projected the possibilities of empirical grounding on the example of cooking Lithuanian. consumer. According to them so far there has been no unequivocal evidence of convergence in this, although there are some signs of convergence of economic systems. Their findings indicate and demonstrate that culture has a great impact on consumer behavior. Even in cases where cultures are very similar, the same goods can receive totally different meanings. After analyzing the correlation between culture and consumer behavior, we come to the conclusion that there is a complicated bipartite interaction between culture and consumer behavior. They then conclude that forms of cultural definition determine consumer behavior, influencing their cognition, attitude and action.