After installation, when customers are within a certain distance of the beacon inside or outside the store, promotional ads, text messages and useful product information such as discount coupons, gift vouchers, etc. pushed to their phone. This encourages shoppers to shop more at a much lower price or with combined offers or discount coupons which will push for the next sale and develop their curiosity about the store. And thus increasing the ROI. Dash ButtonWith Amazon launching its Dash Button on March 31, 2015, many considered it an April Fool's joke, which has proven effective over the course of the year. These buttons are a great example of how easily you (or any member of your family) can sort and maintain inventory. It is a small WiFi device connected directly to AmazonFresh, which will provide you with its supply and so "you will never forget an item again". This is a brilliant example of IoT which is also working on home sensors to measure the usage of any item and automatically request an order. Considering the success rate of Dash Button, we can expect other retailers and online merchants to launch this IoT device to boost their sales and enjoy customer well-being.