The decision to sentence Caesar to death was “more unpleasant said than done.” The consuls and most of the senators fled Rome and left the authority of the city to Caesar. The civil war between Pompey (Gnaeus Pompeius Magnus) and Caesar exposed Rome to a new level of violence. The origin and health of Roman society was based on the agricultural foundations in and around the republic. The conflict threatened trade throughout the Mediterranean world. Adding to the political uncertainty within Rome, foreign leaders linked to Rome through trade were uncertain who to align with, as the outcome of the civil war was unknown. After defeating Pompey in Greece (who later died in Egypt), Caesar was named dictator of Rome. He oversaw his election to a second consulate and then resigned the dictatorship. Caesar sailed to Africa to defeat the remaining members of Pompey's supporters. After the victory he was appointed dictator for ten years. The last civil war for Caesar was the defeat of Pompey's son Sextus Pompey in Iberia. As dictator, Caesar commanded the army of the republic including the provinces. He also controlled financial and foreign policy, as well as maintaining veto power over the judiciary and