The cloning process - which emerged at the end of the 20th century - is considered a huge scientific revolution that has led to numerous debates, consultations and discussions. Cloning is the process of producing objects or new organs with the same qualities and characteristics by cloning DNA. Cloning first appeared in 1997 after Scottish scientists cloned Dolly the sheep, which attracted great interest from most international medical and scientific organizations worldwide. Some may see that cloning has become a huge evolution of biology and medicine because it is a solution for treating some incurable diseases, helps in organ transplantation, and creates new organs with ideal qualities. But they are wrong! Wrong Fetal! It is clear to everyone that cloning is an important focal point of criticism and analysis. It is increasingly seen that cloning is a process of manipulating embryos and cells. Cloning is facing a harsh attack from religious communities who see cloning as a passage to God's creation. Furthermore, there are those traditional communities who see cloning as a clear violation of customs and traditions. Even on a human level there are many psychological reservations and inabilities in this process. As a result, I have adopted a counter-tendency and hostile position to this immoral idea. I am against this idea which causes violation of religion and morality as well as physical and psychological harm. Some believe that the solution to some serious diseases lies in cloning and this is not accurate. We have scientifically demonstrated that the process of producing new healthy rather than diseased cells represents a serious threat to the cure of human life. For example, according to New Yo......middle of paper......the same disease for all cells that will reproduce the same as the cell. This is exactly what happened to the sheep Dolly, where - as previously unknown mentioned - she was affected by arthritis and the mother cell was also found to be infected by it (William, 2008). So in this way it will destroy the natural qualities already existing in the human body and lead to its destruction. Just as the evolution of this process occurs very quickly and only takes a few weeks, unlike what happens naturally, thus accelerating the death of this cloned object. In conclusion it is necessary to make sure that cloning is the evolution of science that leads towards a huge unknown. Religion, society and morality are one against the idea of cloning. That the manipulation of embryos and human beings is not easy, it is not legitimate, it belongs only to God. Be careful!