Topic > Advantages and Disadvantages of Service Oriented Architecture…

SOA ASSIGNMENT In this essay I will talk about Service Oriented Architecture. In this context I will write about the terms Web Service, Service Oriented Architecture and SOAP. I will list some advantages and disadvantages of SOA as well as the technology involved in using SOA and the standard syntax and operation employed in such a system. I will close this essay by writing about a company that could benefit from Service Oriented Architecture. Web Services The World Wide Web Consortium is the primary international organization that defines standards for the World Wide Web. They set the standard for web markup languages ​​and web services around the world. The W3C describes web services as a means for two electronic devices to communicate via interpolating software applications. These services can run on a wide range of networks and frameworks. You can convert your applications into web applications using common web services. Web services are found in many places on the Internet. Web services communicate using common web protocols such as JSON, REST, and SOAP. They are created to be self-descriptive and easily readable. These protocols adhere to common programming practices and accordingly; reduces the need for documentation and has a gentle learning curve. Web services are generally targeted by other applications and not by humans. An example of a web services protocol would be SOAP. SOAP uses XML and HTTP. Extensible Markup Language is a language widely used in web services such as SOAP. It provides a language that can be used widely across different frameworks, platforms, and languages ​​but is still capable of representing complicated data structures. The Hyper Text Transfer Protocol is a request-response protocol used for data communication...... middle of paper......tomer will use it to select flights, hotels, car rentals and tours. When the customer goes to the travel agency's website, the customer is presented with a form to fill with the necessary data such as destination and preferred price. Once finished, the customer sends the data to the travel agent's customer. The travel agent client uses SOAP to send request operations to each web service. These SOAP operations are sent using the HTTP web protocol. Each web service returns a response which is decoded to the client and displayed to the client so that he/she can choose the option that best suits him/her. ConclusionA typical Internet user probably interacts with web services many times a day. Many online services are based on SOA. With the many benefits that SOA offers, it is becoming a serious option for many online web applications now and in the future.