It mainly depends on the fact that everyone takes responsibility for our actions. As I said before we cannot completely avoid mass media, nor all impacts on our lives, however we can control how exposed we are in some places. As a parent you need to have control over what children can and cannot watch, regarding television, movies and limiting the time they are watched. Parents need to educate themselves on the type of shows their children want to watch, sometimes children or teenagers may watch the shows their parents watch. As teenagers, teenagers and young adults we must assume our responsibilities. As tweens and teens they can do their part by talking to their parents when you feel a show may not be appropriate. We all need to work on turning off the TV or radio and spending more time in a positive way. And as all of society reminds us, it's just TV, and all the many advertisements or scenes we see are not the real solution to problems or the solution to life. With news pay attention to what is needed to stay up to date on daily news, but not to the point that the news controls our thoughts. The media knows what and how to attract society so that they can feed it. In conclusion, we as a society must come together and control or at least reduce the negative impacts that mass media can have.