Fledgling is the story of a seemingly young girl with amnesia whose alarming needs and non-human abilities lead her to a surprising conclusion. She is in fact a 53 year old genetically modified vampire. Forced to discover what she can about her stolen former life, and at the same time to discover who wanted and still wants to destroy her and those she cares about. This is a very interesting parable that tests the limits of otherness and questions what it means to be truly human. The book is filled with emotionally and erotically stimulated encounters. For a person who would like to read about vampires, the urge to continue reading comes in the first few chapters; in this story already in chapter three. The novel is a new vampire paradigm that takes a hard look at racism, sexism, poverty and ignorance. The relationships in this story, as loving and loyal as they are, are very different. There is no moral question, but this total acceptance of pedophilia is not only found in those who have sex with children, but also in every other character. Although being black brought Shori some strength...