Karl Marx once said: "Capital is dead labor which, like a vampire, lives only by sucking living labor, and lives the more the more labor it sucks" (Quotes by Karl Marx). Marx is well known as the father of communism, but now that the Cold War is over and communism is nothing more than a governing theory for a few countries, we can study Karl Marx as a visionary of his time, who foresaw how capitalism would be grown up. of control. With the use of religion, government laws and capitalism, the rich will always be able to control the masses. Karl Marx defined history through economic class struggle. He argued that society was divided between the bourgeoisie (middle class, entrepreneurs and capitalists) and the proletariat (wage workers). His belief was that the bourgeoisie was becoming richer and richer by exploiting the proletariat. He also believed that wage workers were always paid less than the true value of their labor, defining the difference between the value of wages and the value of goods produced. Over time, frustration with exploitation would lead to class wars between the proletariat who believed that surplus value belonged to them and the bourgeoisie who were unwilling to give up their profits. Ultimately the revolution was the inevitable result of the capitalists' endless exploitation of workers. Karl Marks was talking about his time, but we are starting to see some of these ideas come to light in our time. An example is “Occupy Wall Street” which is a protest against social and economic inequality. This protest highlights the high unemployment, greed, corruption and undue influence of companies primarily engaged in financial services and their ties to the government. The worst period, and his works were used in the construction of communist countries, his views on the need for a balance between socialism and capitalism with the removal of religion from government were brilliant. The capitalist government we practice in the world today has brought us enormous disparity in wealth and power, and like Karl Marx, I advocate for a more equal distribution of wealth and poverty. Works Cited Ambani, P. (2012, 01 02). The US Congress is worth over $2 trillion – wealthy lawmakers are mostly the top 1%. Retrieved January 5, 2012, from Ecopreneurist: http://ecopreneurist.com Karl Marx Quotes. (n.d.). Retrieved January 5, 2012, from http://www.marxists.org/archive/marx/works/subject/quotes/index.htmPatterson, T. C. (2009). Karl Marx, anthropologist. Oxford: Berg Publishers.Seed, J. (2010). Marx: Guides for the Perplexed. London: Continuum International Publishing.