Nelson Mandela once said, "Education is the most powerful weapon you can use to change the world." The importance of an education is repeatedly demonstrated through past and present events. Those who cannot afford an education do whatever it takes to try to learn. They know that this will lead to a better future for them. An education will not only lead to a job with more money, but will also broaden people's minds. They will be able to create new ideas and inventions. The best way to change the world is to educate our youth. With better education, they can get inspired to invent new things. Some may grow to find cures for diseases. Educating young people is the key to changing the world. Today's children are tomorrow's leaders. The best way to give a good education to our young people is to improve our school system. We need to redefine the term “education.” Teachers in classrooms change the world because they teach the future generation that will one day lead. If we want to change the world for the better, educating young people is the most important thing...