Producing short-term wins. Short-term wins, meaning even the smallest results matter. When setting a long-term goal, it is critical that the company creates short-term goals that can be achieved along the way. These short-term goals not only function as a measurable foundation for achieving the long-term goal, but also serve as motivational packages for members. These motivational packages continuously boost members' morale, making them more and more effective as they get closer to the long-term goal, which is transitioning and creating a new culture. The short-term benefits for Apple may be increased sales or, as is currently happening, increased stock prices. According to Lashanky (2012), Apple stock performance has improved since Cook was created. It was said that Jobs rarely appeared before shareholders and that dividends were minimal. However, Cook changed Apple to become friendly not only to its employees, but also to its shareholders. Apple's social actions may also have helped entice more investors to buy Apple stock.7. Don't let that