Hyperreality in postmodern architectureLas Vegas, Disney Land, Disney World, Trafford CentrePostmodern architecture is a movement that evolved from the modernism style, a movement focused on the function and specific needs of building. The style of the postmodern movement contradicts many of the modernist ways of how things were made, in postmodernism they combine new ideas together with traditional forms. Modules built using these methods can be used in the most unusual ways. An example of this is the well-known architect Frank Gehry, who has built many buildings with this thought process, combining methods to create complex constructions that make a difference in the space in which they are placed. Hyperreal postmodern architecture is perfectly displayed in the city Las Vegas in the United States, the largest fairs and theme parks such as Disney World and Disney Land. “The fair has become a palace of consumption, a hyper-real oasis of goods. (…) On the surface, world fairs proclaim themselves to be complete entities, especially because they showcase art...