Each of us is born with human nature, we were taught to be civilized, but we look at evil. Most people would say that each of us is born different, but in reality we are all born with the same human nature that causes each of us to do the things we do. In the book Lord of the Flies the author, Ellie Golding, is fresh out of World War II, which has a big influence on how she feels about civilization. When a person commits an evil act we blame that person, but have we ever thought that maybe he learned it from our “civilized” community? Look at the line that separates human nature, civilization and evil: you may find that it is not as firm as you think. What is human nature? Human nature is made up of qualities associated with humanity. The quality, I believe, most propitious in human nature is selfishness. I won't say that selfishness is necessarily a bad thing; in times when it was survival of the fittest you couldn't afford to be altruistic. You had to save yourself so you could carry on your genes to keep the human race alive. Fun is another quality of human nature, we love it...