He could have rejected offer number one and accepted offer number two and been saved. In fact, he could have rejected offers number one and two and accepted offer number three and saved himself. But, when he rejected offer number three, the last offer, he overcame the falls and died. God's dealings with humanity, throughout the ages, are demonstrated in this illustration. It is the story of humanity turning away from God and how He dealt with them. When man sinned in the Garden of Eden, justice required the destruction of the human race. However; instead, God offered man a means to redeem himself. He sent the prophets and finally, through Moses, gave a written Law. Yet, for the most part, the prophets' pleas were ignored. That was God's first offer of help to mankind. In the fullness of time, the Son of God came into the world and tried to lead man back to God. However, the masses not only rejected him, but killed him. This was man's second chance to exist