Topic > My Personal Behavior Change - 1517

Personal Behavior Change For this article I decided to take a second to evaluate my life and think about what some of my current lifestyle habits and behaviors were and which of I would like to change these habits. After sitting down and evaluating all my major habits, I classified them into groups, which ones helped me lead a long and healthy lifestyle and which ones probably led me to an unhealthy life and lifestyle. After narrowing these unhealthy habits down to my top three, I decided to focus this article and my attention on my current diet and especially my negative eating habits. After evaluating my lifestyle and all my unhealthy habits, I felt that my current nutritional level and eating patterns needed more improvements and changes. One of the reasons I felt my diet needed changes is because nutrition is a big part of my life. a healthy lifestyle, the way we eat and the foods we consume can have a huge impact on our daily lives. Nutrition plays a huge role in multiple aspects of a person's vital energy, health, skin, weight, self-confidence, and more, making it extremely important to have good control over your eating habits. How we eat over the years and what foods we habitually choose to eat can possibly have a lasting effect on consumption and what we consider most appealing and appetizing at any given time. Having these habits of craving and routine makes eating, dieting, and nutrition both a behavior and a lifestyle choice that can be modified over time with the help of the theories learned in this course. I felt that with the behavior I was trying to change the Transtheoretical Model (TTM) would be most effective for me. The reason I decided to choose this model is because...... half of the card...... currently in. By reevaluating your progress and where you currently are you allow yourself to avoid relapses and falls from one stage back down to another. In this particular article they reassessed participants' commitment and current stage every six and twelve months (Geoffrey 2012 p.256). I think for me moving forward by re-evaluating my current commitment every three months would be more effective. The reason for this is that at 60 days you need to start moving from the preparation phase to the action phase, also after 6 months of staying in the action phase you can consider yourself in the maintenance phase. By evaluating every three months I can get a solid idea of ​​when I will have left the preparation phase to finally move into action and after two evaluations in the action phase I can start to consider myself firmly within the maintenance phase of change.