Topic > Eternal Covenant: Isaiah 24: 1-5 - 1493

Eternal Covenant – Isaiah 24: 1-5 God does not enter into any relationship without making a covenant. A covenant must consist of a relationship between man and God; and it is eternal, which is why it is called an everlasting covenant. The eternal covenant can only be broken if man fails to maintain an intimate and personal relationship with God or chooses separation from God through sin, as happened with Israel. Their hearts had turned away and many sins had entered their lives. It was not God who divorced Israel, but Israel's sins broke the eternal covenant with God which produced a temporary separation from Him. However, in His loving mercy, He had a plan of salvation that would involve not only Israel but all of Israel. humanity with an everlasting covenant that would reconcile those who desired a relationship with Him. This section will discuss the identity and meaning of the everlasting covenant to demonstrate that God was faithful in keeping His promise of the everlasting covenant. An everlasting covenant is a promise from God characterized as eternal. Charles Spurgeon describes the meaning of a covenant as “the only ladder that goes from earth to heaven.” Covenants are historically connected to many passages throughout the Old Testament; however, the everlasting covenant is also mentioned in the New Testament (NIV, Hebrews 13:20). The reason the everlasting covenant is only mentioned once in the New Testament is because the Blood of the Lamb is the only necessary element, as the work of the cross covers all the sins of all people. An example of an Old Testament covenant is the Noahic Covenant, which is still significant today, it is God's promise to never again flood the earth (NIV, Genesis...... middle of paper...... the enemy is cast into the lake of fire (Revelation 19:1-3; 19:11-20:15), and the fate of death is celebrated (Isaiah 26:19). Isaiah 27:1, in the ATLAReligion database with ATLASerials, Ipswich, MA, (1998). Chisholm, Jr., Robert B. "The 'Eternal Covenant' and the City of Chaos": Intentional Ambiguity and Irony in Isaiah 24 Dissertation. , Dallas Theological Seminary, 1993.Payne, David F. (n.d.) The Everspiring Covenant, in the ATLAReligion database with ATLASerials, EBSCOhost, Tyndale House Bulletin no. 7-8:1016. Spurgeon, CH “Blood of the Everspiring Sermon, Music Hall, Royal Surrey Gardens,” New York Street Park Pulpit, 4 September 1859. Accessed 9 February 2014. http ://, Barry G. Webb, The Message of Isaiah Downers Grove: InterVarsity Press, 1996.