The Beatles were living proof of this rule. They had to perform for hours and had no experience. They had to get the public's attention somehow so they started to improve and gain more trust among themselves. They became good and famous only thanks to the hours they dedicated to their performances. They began to put their heart and soul into everything they did to surpass themselves. They were doing shows 24/7, eight hours a day, all seven days of the week. People saw that they were "not good on stage" but when they went to see shows and returned to their hometown they were called "good". It must have been all the work these gentlemen did. They gave themselves the “discipline” to keep them in line so that the work the Beatles did was worth it all. Like I said, this is living proof, but it all depends on the situation you're in. In conclusion, the correlations that lead you to success, such as your IQ, have been indicated in the essay. It determines how successful you will be and how far you will go in life. Subsequently, the year of your birth, this is pretty much a given opportunity and what you will be successful in, as the example has been given in the third paragraph. Finally, the Ten Thousand Hour Rule, which means “deliberate practice,” gives you success and makes you good at what you will become, as long as you put in those ten thousand hours.?