This type of short story writing is called extreme compression. Its characters, while somewhat detestable, are relatable and you find yourself hoping that the best will emerge in them. He presents Mathilde to us as a superficial and greedy girl. But the reader wants him to eventually learn his lesson and become grateful for the little he has. In this five page story he managed to take a small realistic story and bring it to life. Rudyard Kipling's quote seems to be reflected in Maupussant's abilities. He says: “A story from which pieces have been torn off is like a fire that has been stoked. One does not know that the operation has been performed, but everyone feels the effect." (Hochmeister) A literary critic, Janet Witalec, said: "For their variety, conciseness, clarity of prose style and realistic approach, Maupassant's stories have earned him a place among the best exponents of