She is considered the world's expert on chimpanzees and is known for her fifty-five year study of the social interactions of wild chimpanzees in Gombe Stream National Park in Tanzania. He has also worked extensively on conservation and animal welfare issues. Goodall began studying in 1960 because he had no training to direct his research, Goodall paid more attention to things that other professionals might examine. Instead of numbering the chimpanzees Goodall observed, he gave them names. He saw that these animals had distinct personalities, which was an alternative idea at the time. Goodall found that "it is not just humans who have personalities, who are capable of rational thought and emotions such as joy and pain." He observed many behaviors such as kissing, hugging, and tickling, which were considered only "human" interactions. Goodall said this is evidence of the bonds of support and love that develop between family members and other chimpanzees within the community. His findings suggest connections and similarities between humans and chimpanzees beyond just genes, but can be seen in emotions, intellect, and domestic and social relationships. Goodall observed how chimpanzees made and used tools in their daily lives, which challenged the belief that humans were the only creators and users of tools. Contrast with affectionate