“Does the end ever justify the means?” This question is asked after reading The Tragedy of Julius Caesar. In this play, Brutus and the other conspirators murdered Julius Caesar because they thought he was a corrupt leader for the city of Rome. They thought they were doing nothing wrong because they were doing it for the good of the people. Were their actions truly for the good of the people, and if so, did that make murder acceptable? The question “do the ends ever justify the means?” asks if doing something that is bad or morally wrong is okay if it is done for the greater good. In this play, Cassius did not think Caesar was an acceptable candidate to lead the city of Rome. He wanted to assassinate Caesar and convinced Brutus to help him. After being persuaded by Cassius, Brutus thought that by killing Julius Caesar he would be doing the citizens of Rome a favor. Even though killing a person is not right, Brutus thought he was doing it for the good of Rome; so he wasn't doing anything wrong. This refers to "the end justifies the means" because Brutus believes that the end, which is freedom for Rome, justifies the assassination of Caesar ("In "Julius Caesar," How does "the end justify the means?" ) Cassius somehow manipulates Brutus into believing that what he is doing is right and that Caesar is actually a bad person An example of how Brutus believes that the murder is doing the Romans a favor is when he says this in a speech at Caesar's funeral: "Not that I loved Caesar less, but I loved Rome more. Would you rather that Caesar lived and you all died slaves, than that Caesar were dead and you all lived free?" (Shakespeare, 880) In this speech he states that he cared... middle of the paper... There is no good reason to murder someone. What Brutus and the conspirators did was not right they thought they were doing Rome a favor, and perhaps they were. But this does not justify killing a man. Works Cited"End Justifying the Means, the." Dictionary.com, nd Web. http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/end%2Bjustify%2Bthe%2Bmeans%2C%2BtheFeldman, Kevin, Kevin Feldman, Sharon Vaughan, and Kate Kinsella Literature Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson/ Prentice Hall, 2007. Print."In "Julius Caesar," How does "the end justify the means?" - Homework Help - ENotes.com." Enotes.com. Enotes.com, nd Web. May 12, 2014. http://www.enotes.com/homework-help/compare-compare-brutus-cassius-determine- whether- 299489SparkNotes, nd Web, May 13, 2014. http://nfs.sparknotes.com/juliuscaesar/page_134.html