. Cash crop planting is a process of non-commercial crops that the farmer intends to grow specifically to protect and improve in the intermediate period of crop production. It is an easy way to revitalize the fertility of the soil for the subsequent growth of other plants. The duration of crops varies from monthly to years depending on the objective and the approach taken. It is usually planted in free spaces and increases the fertility of the soil after growth instead of being eaten up. They add a number of benefits to an unused space in off-season gardening. The reasons why cash crops are usually used are: 1). Commercial crops are usually used in arable rotation as catch crops, providing key cover times to reduce nutrient losses. 11) Provides manure while returning fresh organic material to the soil. This increases the biological activities of the soil and improves its health and functionality, cover crops improve soil quantity and nitrogen and reduce weeds. 111). Commercial crops can also benefit the physical and biological characteristics of the soil and the potential of soil structure to reduce erosion. iv). Cover crops provide agronomic benefits, for example cover crops help to disrupt and spread certain pest and disease cycles or are used for weed management method. V). Cash crops provide habitat value and yield land in the long term, farmers may not be able to get maximum profit from the farm. The problem of obtaining vital information to obtain fertile land for plantingIn conclusion, the main objective of farmers is to improve its stony and shallow soil. The result of cover crops has allowed plant species access to the entire soil profile and plant species with deep tap roots and can potentially help add them to compacted soil. Second method: crop rotation and