Title IXGreat gender inequalities in the education system have occurred for many years and continue to occur today. Efforts have been made to correct this disparity, but the one that has made the biggest difference is Title IX. Passed in 1972, Title IX attempted to correct gender discrimination in education systems that received public funding. The largest correction has been made in the athletics industry, but Title IX social justice applies to many other industries as well. Title IX impacts women who are non-athletes in many ways, including quality of education, receptivity to education, empowerment, and creation of ideals. Title IX qualifies as a social justice issue because it addresses social inequities. Women before Title IX were not afforded the same rights as men in federally funded school systems, such as quality of education under certain circumstances or equal opportunities to participate in athletic programs. These inequalities in education lead to further injustices, such as the unequal distribution of women in high-level positions and unequal pay, as women who have deficient education do not reach the levels of women who have received equal education. In athletics, women who have not had the opportunity to participate in the athletic program of their choice may not have reached their full potential. This is usually due to a lack of equipment or education, but could also lead to a missed opportunity to go to university. In many schools, women who became pregnant were often relegated to "alternative" educational programs, whose participation was mandatory. . After Title IX, schools could no longer force a student to attend an alternative school, which was often substandard. These students could not be sin... in the center of the card... a new ideal woman, the public changed its expectations of a woman to coincide with the ideal. It is relatively rare to see a woman on a TV show that doesn't work and often works in high positions such as a doctor or lawyer. If she is married, she often has more say in the relationship than the man, a complete change from previous roles. These new ideals have mostly improved the public view of women and women's view of themselves. Title IX has dramatically changed women's lives and quality of life. The law deals with schools and sports, but its reach extends far beyond. Women are no longer told that they are equal, and therefore receive unequal benefits, and have the same educational opportunities as men. While Title IX is not the only reason for the plight of women today, it has helped greatly in this process.