Topic > Euthanasia - 1402

EUTHANASIAEuthanasia: what does this word mean? It comes from the Greek words “eu” and “thantos” which translate to “good death” (“Euthanasia World Directory,” While this is the literal meaning, it has become a more complex concept in our society today. Assisted suicide, self-liberation, self-euthanasia, aid in dying are all terms that concern the choice to achieve a good death; the choice to decide for yourself when it's time to escape unimaginable pain and have the chance to die with the dignity we all deserve. According to the Euthanasia Research & Guidance Organization (ERGO!) there are two main forms of suicide ("Euthanasia Research & Guidance Organization", One is "emotional suicide", defined as a irrational self-murder in all its sadness, although the most common, this form of suicide has no practical purpose is "justifiable suicide", or the planned self-liberation from a painful and hopeless illness that will end. soon with death ("Euthanasia Research & Guidance Organization", Although still considered "suicide", this form has a practical purpose and, therefore, should be considered in a completely different context society has with assisted suicide is that it is still suicide. Person is ending their life prematurely for some reason. Often in regular suicide this reason is an emotional response to something such as the death of a loved one or unemployment . The company believes that these are also the reasons why people practice assisted suicide. This concept is totally false. Assisted suicide is only used in two specific cases. One is if the person has an advanced terminal illness that is causing unbearable suffering until the laws exist. Over the past century, many individuals and groups have attempted to legalize such action, but have always been met with the cry, "It's immoral and always has been!" In our current society, characterized by new and open points of view, shouldn't we give people the right to die? Since suicide by one's own hands, in reality a death by vulgar means, is legal, why should a much more peaceful and sensible form be prohibited? People seeking euthanasia have experienced pain unimaginable to the ordinary human being. They fought and fought but unfortunately they lost. Shouldn't they be allowed to die a "good death" with the dignity they deserve? The United States of America was founded on the principles of freedom. Our euthanasia laws should allow people to exercise these fundamental principles by allowing them the freedom of this all-important final choice.