Are these legitimate concerns? Why or why not? These are legitimate concerns because the cap laws were put in place supposedly to “reduce birth rates among welfare recipients by discouraging a woman from becoming a welfare queen, a term that suggests a woman has more children to get more money from the state." However, research has shown that denying a woman benefits did not prevent her from having children. (Steinmetz, 2016) Furthermore, “Research from the Urban Institute and a study published in the Harvard Journal of Law & Gender both found that family boundaries are harmful to children and their health, trapping them in poverty” (Steinmetz, 2016). As a result, many states are repealing laws because they don't work and cause more harm than good because children don't have health insurance and it's not the answer to alleviating the poverty problem. Furthermore, family cap laws are not just one of the problems with welfare policies that need to be examined because other policies, such as welfare requirements for work, have problems because they do not include college courses as part of job choices and, as a result, this hurts single-parent families who are trying to go back to college to get a college degree