The total number of books is increasing day by day and so are the readers. The young and the elderly contribute greatly to this number. Print media is also linked as STATUS SYMBOL. THE IMPORTANCE OF BOOKS Although when books are banned, there is not a strong reaction in the public compared to other sources of mass communication because people think: how many readers will there be? But there is a historical importance of the books that no one can deny. In the contemporary age, if you have no desire or need for information, there will be no good future for you. Life is very predetermined. Books not only increase your intellect but also influence your reading and writing skills. Books can be reread over and over again because they are the most credible and valuable means of mass communication. Instead of spending time on the Internet and other e-media sources causing harm to our eyes and health, we should read books for our mental activity. Keeping your brain functioning prevents it from losing energy. Reading books also helps reduce stress and tension. After a long and hectic day, a good story takes away all the tension and your mind gets refreshed. This changes your mood and relaxes you