Topic > Written communication: the three principles of...

Do it out loud and focus on one task at a time, even if this will take time. Barriers to communication Barriers to communication are specific elements that can interrupt or prevent communication at all within an organization or a group of people. Some of the barriers are: ringing, buzzing phones and people who have different cultures and languages. Background noise • This can distract people, for example if you are presenting in a room full of computers and they had the computer fans turned on. distract the group during the presentation. • Ways to overcome this problem: You can ask your audience not to use or turn on computers as you require their full attention, also you can put signs outside the room or in the hall say “meeting in progress, please be quiet” this will knowing to the people walking past you that there is something important. Cultural Differences • Language: This is a big barrier as if you spoke English and the other person only knew how to speak their own language and you didn't have a translator or interpreter, you wouldn't really get anywhere when you try