The traction motor driven by the regenerative brake works like an alternator to convert the kinetic energy developed during the rotation of the tires into potential electrical energy that would charge the lithium ion battery . OperationThe following diagram explains the operation of the regenerative braking system:When the driver applies the brake, the travel sensor detects the operation of the brake and the EDIB calculates the required braking force and sends the signal to the vehicle control module (VCM) via control signals. The VCM in turn determines the required regenerative braking force and sends it to the EDIB unit via control signals. Additionally, the traction motor acts as a generator to produce regenerative braking. The EDIB now calculates the required hydraulic braking force based on the VCM results. Therefore, based on this calculated hydraulic braking force, the motor inside the EDIB is activated to push the master cylinder piston and adjust the fluid pressure inside the master cylinder to match the target fluid pressure. The motor engages the piston and amplifies the friction brake pressure (hydraulic pressure). Through optimal control of the hydraulic pressure of the friction brake, the result of energy regeneration is