Topic > Tactics during the Revolutionary War - 2483

American Revolutionary War TacticsBiography and Footnotes _________Research ___________Critical Analysis ___________Historical Interpretation ___________Technique ___________Content ___________Originality ___________Writing Style ___________Thesis Proof ___________Eric Heppen American History Essay December 13, 1999 Period 7Tactics Americans of the Revolutionary WarMost of Europe thought that the British with their immense amount of capital, soldiers and supplies would defeat the American resistance in the American Revolutionary War without much effort. However, the Patriots realized, from the first difficulties, that they were exploiting the enemy's weaknesses. Guerrilla warfare is a strategy at the center of the paper during the American Revolutionary War.Bibliography1. Alden John, A History of the American Revolution, Borzoni Books, New York, 19692. Cook Don, The Long Fuse How England Lost the American Colonies 1760-1785, Atlantic Monthly Press, New York, 19953. Nash, Jeffery, et al. , The American Society, HapperCollinsCollege Publisher4. Nettels Curtis P., The Roots of American Civilization A History of American Life FS Crofis & CO New York 19455. Ward Christopher, The War of the Revolution Volume One, The Macmillan Company, New York, 19526. Ward Christopher, The War of the Revolution Volume Two, The Macmillan Company, New York, 19527. 20Revolution/ARToC.htm8. ?query=American%20Revolutionary%20War%20%20tactics&first=1&last=10&cat=09. Brainard Rick, History of the 18th Century,