However, it is disturbing to see excessive force used by the police in unnecessary situations against minorities over others, causing people to have an image of the police as representing supremacy and white oppression. Due to some of the recent high profile cases involving law enforcement and African American people, questions have arisen about the use of police officers on the job. Since most decisions made by police are based on judgment, their actions constitute an illegal use of police brutality. Police bias is responsible for a number of false arrests, convictions, and deaths of minorities that cause difficult and miserable times for the people in their lives. Police bias is a problem that African Americans have been dealing with for over 500 years (Moore, 2014). In recent years, a pattern has developed of white police officers appearing to only target black males and kill them. For example, the Trayvon Martin tragedy was a much talked about social case around the world. This shooting caused and affected many minority people to protest for "justice" in America. People of all backgrounds share different perspectives on why they think Trayvon Martin was shot and killed in self-defense, while others believe it was a murder due to misplaced prejudice.