It is a tremendous sacrifice to put your life above your beliefs, but some consider it the highest honor. In Antigone, “Yet how could I get a greater share of glory / Than to put my brother in his grave?” (1.2.547-548) shows the glory and honor he feels in burying his brother. As a society matures, many of its citizens begin to question unjust laws, and history has shown us that this is a good thing. For a society to become truly free there needs to be a certain level of government accountability to its citizens, where this causes the society to mature. In most cases there are peaceful protests, mediations or negotiations, but every now and then the situation calls for a martyr. Antigone became that martyr by paying the ultimate price in defense of her conscientious beliefs. He put his love for his brother and his will to honor him in death above his own life. In doing so, he has now cast a shadow of doubt on Creon and his laws by winning his love and affection