Worldcom Fraud SWORLDCOM MISSION SUMMARY................................. ....... PG. 3THE PRINCIPLES AND ETHICAL CREDITS OF WORLDCOM.........................PAGE. 4THE BEHAVIOR OF WORLDCOM ADMINISTRATORS........................PAGE. 5 WAS CYNTHIA COOPER A HERO?................................................. .PG. 6WHAT WORLDCOM DIDN'T RECOGNIZE........................PAGE. 7THE CONCLUSION................................................ .... ..........PG. 8WORKS CITED................................................ .... ........................PG. 9Mission Statement, Background, and How They Honored Their StatementWorldCom's mission statement is "To create a competitive advantage for WorldCom and contribute significantly to WorldCom's business success by promoting business practices that provide greater opportunities for a diverse supplier base." WorldCom was a company based solely on personal profits. Unethical practices were created to keep the company's performance at the highest level. WorldCom was the world's second largest long-distance company. The company began providing telecommunications to local telecommunications. WorldCom reported profits of just $32 billion a year. WorldCom merged with MCI in 1998 to now become MCI WORLDCOM. WorldCom did not value their mission statement because they did not provide greater opportunities to anyone but themselves. WorldCom would have been able to provide a diverse base if the company had focused more on the services it offered rather than the money it stole. WorldCom had the leading technology, res... middle of paper... how can you understand what the influence of greed and moral weaknesses can do. All companies can benefit from this book, because within every company there is someone who has that desire. Finally, many may argue that this is just his point of view. But, whatever they think, the falsified documents show everything. Works Cited Cynthia Cooper, Extraordinary Circumstances, Hoboken, NJ John Wiley & Sons, Inc 2008 WIKIPEDIA Dennis Moberg and Edward Romar. “Worldcom1” UNIVERSITY OF SANTA CLARA2003 McGuire, “WorldCom Deadly Culture” World Net Daily, June 17, 2003 news/ article.asp?ARTICLE_ID=33111Luisa Beltran“WorldCom Files Biggest Bankruptcy Ever” CNN MONEYJuly 19, 2002