Topic > Race: The Montgomery Bus Boycott by Agustin Fuentes

It is an accepted concept that race does not define an individual. However, it is an ideology that people have to deal with due to the nature of society. After the collapse of Jim Crow laws, race should not have been a limiting factor for any individual in the United States. It had been widely accepted that it was nothing more than a myth. However, due to past transgressions, measures were put in place to ensure that people of color who had been harmed by segregation policies had easy access to tools that would improve their lives. The fact that society believes that race is nothing more than a myth blinds people to the racial injustices that still occur. For example, blacks are six times more likely to be incarcerated than whites. Additionally, three out of four white people have no black friends. For two out of three people of African origin the opposite is true (Stockman). However, the term race is slowly losing its meaning. One part of society believes that being black will get you killed, while the other is of the opinion that it will give you a free pass to college. Despite the fact that racism is a myth, there is still the unbearable truth that racial issues are present with little change globally.