(2008), Job satisfaction doesn't have to mean pursuing ultra-glamour or making money from your hobby. You can work on job satisfaction and find it in the most unexpected places. The heart of job satisfaction is in your attitude and expectations; it's more about how you approach your job than the actual tasks you perform. Whether you work on a farm, on a production line, in the corner office, or on the basketball court, the key is to understand the key ingredients of your unique recipe for job satisfaction. There are three fundamental approaches to work: is it a job, a career or a passion? Depending on the type of work you have right now, the things that bring you satisfaction will vary. If you work, the compensation aspects of the position will likely hold more appeal than anything else and will have the biggest impact on whether you stay or go. If you're a career worker, you're looking for promotions and professional development opportunities. Your overall satisfaction is generally tied to your status, power, or position. If you work for passion, the work itself is the factor that determines your satisfaction, regardless of money, prestige or control. Inevitably, these are generalizations and you will likely find that you derive satisfaction from more than one approach to work. Being aware of the type of work you are doing and the things you need for job satisfaction will help you identify and adjust your satisfaction expectations