Topic > Overview of A Practical Guide to Biblical Ethics

'A Practical Guide to Biblical Ethics' was written to help Christians follow and understand God's law, so they can live a lifestyle that honors God. By using the phrase 'God's law', Smith means God's moral will regarding right and wrong. This is enshrined in the Ten Commandments and expanded upon throughout the Bible. Kevin Gary Smith (2012:6-9) wrote the book for believers whose prayers are to live a righteous life. The book, however, is not written just for academics or full-time pastors, but is aimed at all Christians to understand. The book is practical; therefore, it is structured and worded in such a way that it can be applied to the reader's life. Through reading “A Practical Guide to Biblical Ethics,” believers can live a lifestyle that brings glory to God. The most important spiritual truth I have learned is that law is not the opposite of grace, but the grace is the fulfillment of the law (Smith 2012:10-11, 13-15). In many ecclesial circles the “law” is seen as archaic and binding. They see law and grace as two contradictory ways of life. Paul's teachings are often used to fuel this discussion. Here, however, Paul uses 'law' to mean earning salvation through works, as opposed to grace. The perception that grace and law are opposites is unbiblical and stems from an incorrect view of God. God's plan for the world is perfect (Psalm 18:30) and therefore both law and grace are instrumental to His plan. Jesus says in Matthew 5:17-18 that he came to fulfill the law. He did this through four things; He kept the law perfectly, exemplified the prophecies in the law, clarified the meaning of the law, and came as a sacrifice so that animal sacrifices are no longer necessary in Christianity. In Ephesians, Paul explains... in the middle of the paper... that it can be followed by any believer. One of the key words in the book's title is "practical," as Kevin Gary Smith successfully conveys his points so that readers can apply them to their daily lives. When paired with the Holy Spirit, however, the book not only achieves its purpose, but also gives the audience a clearer picture of the greatness of God and the incredible value of His Son's sacrifice on the cross. I would recommend this work to all Christians. It is important to understand how the Old and New Testaments work together to paint a picture of God's incredible grace and love for His people. Kevin Gary Smith not only achieves his purpose, but God works through His Holy Spirit to enlighten believers through this book. Works CitedSmith KG 2012. A Practical Guide to Biblical Ethics. Johannesburg, South Africa: South African Theological Seminary Press.