Since television appeared, the whole world has changed the way of communicating and the means of obtaining data on the problems that occur around us (Beggs J., 2013). But what if we only have one means of communicating all this information? How does this affect whether there is only one way to ensure the veracity and objectivity of information? This is exactly the situation in Mexico, a country where the television monopoly prevails, and this control manipulates information according to its interests. A monopoly is a market with only one seller that has no type of competition or is very weak and the offer is not interesting for the customer. That single seller is called a monopolist. Monopolies are very powerful businesses that are impossible to miss. Their main goal is to gain as much control as possible over the market in which they interact. On the other hand, monopolies are created by private initiative or by the government, and this happens because it guarantees the right to do business in a particular market (Beggs J., 2013). In this case, the existence of only one media is very convenient because they have in their hands the power of producing and broadcasting programs in Mexico. They also have a large percentage of the Mexican people controlled and they do so (control) with their ads and messages given to the people. However, Televisa is one of the most influential and largest companies in the Spanish-speaking world, based on its market capitalization. , and is a major player in the global entertainment industry (Grupo Televisa, 2013). This company was created in 1930 by Emilio Azcárraga Vidaurreta, and since then Televisa has become one of......middle of paper......have the power to manipulate people. So there are many reasons to stop monopolies not only economically, but also socially because they do not allow free development of thought, and also with regulations and laws companies are trying to create monopolies, so that they can earn more money.Works citeBeggs, J. (2013). What is a monopoly? Retrieved March 24, 2014, from Economics:, J. (n.d.). Retrieved from Economics: Televisa. (2013). Investor relations. Retrieved March 24, 2014, from Televisa:, D. (n.d.). Alter the network. Retrieved from's_problems