Topic > Surprised by the joy of Ofworth Analysis - 1879

Surprised by the joy of Ofworth Analysis Death, like ink dropped into a glass of water, contaminates the perception of life by coloring every experience with a sad shade of pain. In his poem "Surprised by Joy", Williamworth recounts how a moment of joy made him remember the death of his four-year-old daughter Catharine. The memory actually crushed with joy all the positive feelings experienced during his meeting and replaced them with sadness and sadness. This sonnet, though Italian in rhyme scheme, abandons the typical conflict-for-resolution form of argument for one that begins with the desired end result and progresses to the heart of the problem. Over the course of the sonnet, Worth goes from expressing raw emotions of joy and grief, to realizing his loss, and finally accepting her death on a very detached and intellectual level. This originality of the sonnet form combines with carefully placed sound effects to express the intense pain that embitters Worth's experience of joy. The first quatrain opens with Worth's moment of joy and his desire to share the experience with his daughter. The suddenness of the phrase "[s]urprised by joy" and of the word "surprised" itself - which is onomatopoeic in that it begins with the soft sounds if ur, explodes into explosive sounds for the long ones and is quickly drowned out by the sound and - imitates the unexpected and short-lived joyful event (1). The caesura that follows this phrase breaks the flow of words, showing the haste of his thoughts as he continues, "impatient and the Wind / I turned to share the transport" (1.2). The slight enjambment after "Wind" suggests the image of the wind as a pushing force and creates a sort of turning sensation in the next line....... middle of the paper ......ow'r,/ xx / x / xxx /Ev'n for | the minimum | divi | sion of | an hour,x / x / x / x / x /Ho | been like this | deceived | as for | be blindx / x / x / || x / x /To my | most of the pain| your loss! | -- That thought is | returnx x / / x / x / x /Was on | the worst pang | what a surprise | ev line | erm boredom,x / || /xx || / x / x /Save one, | one out of | indeed, when | I was | desperate,/ xx / x / x / x /Know | my heart | the best treatment | of course it was | no more;x / x / x / x / x /That in the | there before | ent time, | nor years | nonnatox / x / x / x / x /Could | my sight | that sky| face | restore.