“Hallo”, “Hola”, “Merhaba.” What comes to mind when someone says they can speak another language? It's safe to assume that most of us are mildly impressed by that person. In America today there is a large portion of the population that seems to have little interest and no inclination towards learning a second language; this also applies to many other parts of the world. People wonder why they should bother taking on such a daunting task. What many people don't realize is that having the ability to speak another language not only makes them more marketable in the job market, but also helps them develop cognitive skills. The world is a big place, a big place with an incredibly high rate of competition. Ultimately, we grow up preparing to be integrated into global society as functioning and effective members. We've all had some version of the dream of having the best job with the best pay and being able to afford the finer things in life. Education is one of many; yet one of the most important determining factors in achieving that dream life we all desire. So why not learn another language to give yourself an advantage in the job market? Globalization, regardless of where it is located, is a recurring and inevitable aspect of the labor market. It is becoming a common necessity to conduct business with people who speak other languages. The language barrier is an obstacle that employers are now trying to correct. Employers very often look for candidates with the ability to speak a foreign language and, more often than not, this aspect helps excellent resumes look immaculate. However, one must keep in mind that the language, be it Portuguese, German or Russian, should be a language… a paper medium… makes them not only more marketable in the job market, but helps develop cognitive skills. Works Cited Alok, Jha. "Being bilingual may delay Alzheimer's and increase brain power." The Guardian 18 February 2011.Alzheimer's Association. alz.org. April 24, 2014 .Chaua, Lisa. “Why you should learn another language.” January 29, 2014. www.usnews.com. April 20, 2014 .Glynn, Sarah. October 11, 2012. www.medicalnewstoday.com. 2014 April 20. Roitman, Dan. "The Huffington Post." September 11, 2013. www.huffingtonpost.com. April 20th 2014 .