Topic > What is gender violence? - 1352

What is gender-based violence? The United Nations Declaration on the Elimination of Violence against Women defines gender-based violence (GBV) as “Any act… which results in, or is likely to result in, physical violence, sexual or psychological harm or suffering to women, including threats of such acts, coercion or arbitrary deprivation of liberty, whether occurring in public or private life. It is also broadly defined as any harm to a person due to power disparities caused by gender inequality. Gender-based violence includes child sexual abuse, prenatal sex selection in favor of males, female infanticide, dowry deaths, honor killings, female genital mutilation, trafficking and forced prostitution. , forced early marriage, sexual violence and intimate partner violence." Regarding the issue of gender violence, it is necessary to first understand its root. According to Peterson and Runyan, gender refers to the socially learned behavior and expectations that distinguish between masculinity and femininity. However, sexual identity is known as genetic and anatomical characteristics. Meanwhile, socially learned gender is a learned identity acquired through the performance of predetermined gender roles. Understandably, society attributes different values ​​to male and female behaviors. Gender has now become the basis of relations of inequality and is a powerful lens that we all use to experience and organize reality. Gender has played a role in many of the issues plaguing us globally and locally. It is estimated that one in three women and girls in the world are victims of gender-based violence. After research conducted in 10 countries, it emerged that 15 to 71% of women have suffered physical, sexual violence...... half of the document ......P: (People against suffering, oppression and poverty: http ://, D. (2004). The Men as Partners program in South Africa: reaching men to end gender-based violence and promote sexual health and Reproductive. International Journal of Men's Health, 173-188. Peter, J. (1995). Women's Rights: International Feminist Perspectives. Boulder, V., & Runyan, A. S. (1999). 2005).Gender Violence.Lancet.Strudwick, P. (2014, January 4: The shocking practice of “corrective rape” – aimed at “curing” lesbians). Declaration on the elimination of violence against women Retrieved from the United Nations: