Topic > An essay from A Clockwork Orange: New Testament for American Youth...

A Clockwork Orange: New Testament for American Youth? In Anthony Burgess's A Clockwork Orange, observe a characteristic of youth that has been documented by history of Icaris and the film Youth Without a Cause. Through its ingenious method of examining this characteristic, the science fiction novel created one aspect of what it chose to observe: rebellion. Our hero, Alex, begins the novel by explaining his mischievous exploits in a way not far from nostalgia. , which is tinged with a hint of sarcasm for any sincere pity one might feel for his victims, as when he recalls his realization of the importance of the term "A Clockwork Orange." Alex says of the author and his wife that "he would have liked to kick them harder and tear them to pieces on their own floor. (CO 38)" Through the juxtaposition of the intelligent rational used in the contemplation of this concept with the complete lack out of respect for this, Burgess shows Alex's attitude as one of childish ignorance coupled with testosterone-induced negative energy. An attitude not absent in the education of any child. As Alex grows through that difficult age known as adolescence, he takes part in what we have called depaternalization, freeing himself from the constraints of the previous generation. This occurs through random acts of violence, of course, but also through Alex's existence within a subculture, which by definition is separate from and therefore at odds with mainstream culture. Alex's subculture is youthful and is defined by his lifestyle. dress and its slang. Alex's clothing style, featured twice, once with his first group and once with his second, is intentionally outrageous by our standards, with "a pair of blacks... in the center of the card... you have to become good to maintain the theme of free will, although it must be much more reassuring to all the elders who read the book. My thesis is that the book should be in opposition to the elders, just as Alex is and just as the it is the audience (i.e. the American youth).Through its rebellion achieved by the omission of the last chapter, A Clockwork Orange has become a manifesto of rebellion, an aspect of the culture for which it was written. Today, Madonna dresses like this Alex he did it in Kubrick's film, choreographing choreographies that look like scenes of rape and ultraviolence from the film When Walking the Streets of Campus, where the bohemian lifestyle is embraced, the words "inside-outside, inside-outside" and. ". "ultra-violence" are greeted with applause of recognition and admiration. A Clockwork Orange has become the "New Testament" for America's youth??